There are several ways for you to get connected at Christview as we work to accomplish our mission of worshipping God, growing in Christ, and serving one another.
Sunday Bulletin
Adult Bible Fellowship Groups
We believe that authentic community is needed within the church. Adult Bible Fellowship Groups are a great way to connect with others in a smaller setting while growing in the Word.
Serve Others
We believe that surrendered living is a part of what it means to grow in our relationship with Christ, and in part that is done through serving others.
Serving Opportunities
Upward 40391
Sunday Morning Children’s Church
Sunday Evenings Youth Group
Greeting and First Impression Ministry
Elective Classes
As we grow to become more fully devoted followers of Jesus, it means that our minds need to be informed to the teachings of Scripture. Elective classes are course with a set time frame that are designed to help boost someone’s confidence and understanding of God’s Word.
View our most recent church bulletin here: