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Craft & Character

It seems like every time you turn around another leader is in the news for a moral failure or some form of scandal. Politicians, athletes, film stars, and business experts. Sadly, we even see it in the church. Often the craft, the skill, the job, the success becomes paramount to the detriment of an individual’s character. But what if we flipped the script and focused more on building our character than on fine tuning our craft? What if we were known for the kind of person, we are becoming instead of what we are building? We were known for our character and not just our craft. 

The story of Joseph sets a great example of a man who, despite what situation, job, or circumstance of life he found himself in, maintained a solid character. Join us as we look at the life of Joseph to learn how to lead in our craft with our character, to understand what it means to have biblical character.  

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